Category Archives: Ingredient

Gigartina Chamissoi is a leafy red seaweed containing a plethora of beneficial polysaccharides (carragreenans). Scientists have discovered that these carragreenans may possess some unique medicinal properties. They have found them to be antibacterial as well as antiviral. In fact, carragreenans may also be anti-herpetic (able to kill the herpes viruses) and anti-coagulant.

Dulse is heralded as a phenomenal source of vitamins and nutrients, and cultures in Canada, Ireland, and Northern Europe have highly regarded Dulse for centuries.

Amply rich in Vitamins B6 and B12, Dulse offers iron, potassium and fluoride in digestible, easily assimilated quantities.

Dulse also contains a host of other nutrients and vitamins, including Vitamin A, E, and C, magnesium, calcium, fiber, and protein.

An excellent source of iodine, Dulse has been used to improve thyroid gland health and function.

Dabber locks or winged kelp grows in branched hold fasts where its blades have a distinct "wing" at the base. Found along the Artic to the northeast of the United States, Dabber locks are high in Vitamins A, B6, B12, and K. In addition to iodine and bromine, Dabber locks contain soluble nitrogen, cobalt, nickel, and other essential trace elements.

Historically used by Icelanders in time of famine, Dabber locks has been considered to be one of the most easily digestible and well-tolerated sea vegetables, often consumed in significant qualities.

Whey protein is a pure, natural, high-quality protein from cow's milk. It is a rich source of the essential amino acids needed on a daily basis by the body. In its purest form, as whey protein isolate, it contains little to no fat, lactose or cholesterol.

Whey protein is an excellent protein choice for individuals of all ages. It provides a number of benefits in areas including sports nutrition, weight management, immune support, bone health, and general wellness. New information on the health benefits of whey protein continues to become available as researchers discover new applications for both whey protein and its unique individual protein components.